The BE FREE™ Advanced Ortho K Lens System is a new evolution in myopia management with a software driven design. This empirical lens design requires corneal topography shape information along with the VID and Rx. Fitting software uses each patient’s unique information to construct the initial custom order and optimize the results when modifications are necessary. The BE FREE™ allows for low, moderate and high myopia cases.
Additionally, The BE FREE employs an OTZ® (Optimized Treatment Zone) to target better myopia management in kids or larger OZs for better adult vision, especially at night. This can not be said of all ortho k lens designs.
You can design any BE FREE lens with a toric back surface. Back surface torics provider better centration in highly astigmatic patients. This single design offers practitioners a comprehensive Orthokeratology system for a wide range of patient types.
Want to start with the BE FREE System? Watch our short introduction video, take the certification course, browse our fitting guide, or watch our full length webinar.

MOONLENS is an Orthokeratology Lens System for Modern Myopia Management. With a unique, novel lens design, MOONLENS features a proprietary algorithm allowing micro-customization in 1 micron steps, something no other ortho k lens designs can do. It includes a convenient fitting process which uses a straight-forward online MOONLENS calculator to generate the initial lens parameters.
We construct each lens with a high degree of customization. The lenses that we create are based on each patient’s age, refraction, topography and visual needs. The result is an ortho k lens that demonstrates an optimal fit and treatment effect.
The MOONLENS also uses OTZ® (Optimized Treatment Zone) technology to maximize your ability to manage myopia.
Want to start with the MOONLENS System? Watch our introduction video, take the certification course, browse our fitting guide, or watch our full length webinar.