ICD FlexFit® Scleral Lens
The ICD FlexFit Scleral Lens is a critical tool for any eye care provider managing patients with irregular corneas or ocular surface issues. Its innovate design that continues to evolve along with our understanding of scleral lens fitting makes it a must have diagnostic set for any scleral lens fitter.
The original ICD scleral lens was one of the first designs to employ tangent peripheral zones instead curves. Inventors of the ICD, the KATT Design Group, spent time extensively studying the corneo-scleral relationship to determine the optimal peripheral scleral lens design. From their years of work, the ICD scleral design was born. Tangent angles of the lens mimic that of the human sclera and are utilized to maximize patient comfort and ocular surface health.
ICD has transformed into the ICD FlexFit, adding a number of new features along the way. The current ICD FlexFit comes standard with Dual Depth toric haptic technology to ensure the lens lands evenly on the conjunctiva. Additionally, quadrant control, decentered mutlifocal optics, and the Hydrapeg™ lens coating are now available. to help take your scleral fitting skills to the next level.
Discover more about the ICD FlexFit scleral lens below and find out how you can take advantage of our fitting set promotion today!
Still have questions about the ICD FlexFit Scleral Lens?
Browse some of the frequently asked questions below
I have a patient that would probably benefit from a scleral lens, but I have never fit one. How do I begin?
Start by watching some of the ICD FlexFit videos in our video library under our ECP resource tab. There are quick fit videos as well as hour long training sessions. Additionally, there are short videos on the various specifics of the lens or problem-solving techniques. Our consultants are here to support you through the process.
How difficult is it to fit scleral lenses like the ICD FlexFit?
The fitting of scleral lenses is often straightforward. We are primarily concerned with how evenly the lens is landing on the conjunctival tissue and how much clearance the lens has over the different areas of the cornea. The ICD FlexFit diagnostic fitting system helps you first select a lens that provides optimal corneal clearance and make simple changes to the periphery of the lens to ensure a smooth, comfortable, and even lens landing.
Do I need a corneal topographer to fit the ICD FlexFit?
No, a topographer is not necessary. In fact, keratometry readings are basically useless in fitting the ICD FlexFit. You choose your lens based on the eye condition. For instance, normal corneas fall within a specific range of sagittal depths so the ICD FlexFit nomogram will assist in choosing the correct initial lens. If you have a keratoconic patient, the nomogram will suggest a slightly higher depth lens. Transplant patients will require a lens even higher in depth. So the ICD FlexFit really only requires an understanding of the condition and not the eye shape. However, topography can be helpful in determining when a cornea has the greatest chance of success. And the Medmont topographer can determine what actual sag to begin with. But generally speaking, a topographer is not required to fit the ICD FlexFit scleral.
The ICD FlexFit has two diameters. When do I used the smaller 14.8mm diameter and when do I use the larger 16.3mm diagnostic?
The first observation you should make prior to fitting is to measure the visible iris diameter. The ICD FlexFit diameter should be approximately 3.5mm larger than the visible iris diameter. If you have a smaller cornea (≤11.3mm), then choose the 14.8mm diagnostic. If you have a larger cornea (≥11.4mm), then choose the 16.3mm. If the patient has a small fissure and/or deep set eyes, you might be inclined to start with the smaller diameter. Otherwise, its better to start with the 16.3mm because larger is generally more forgiving. Another consideration is the more asymmetry, the larger the lens you may require. In other words, the more bulging or irregular the cornea, the larger the “dome” you may need to place over the eye. However, if the eye surface is less asymmetric, a smaller diameter may be able to achieve the vault necessary.
There are so many scleral lenses on the market, what makes the ICD FlexFit different?
The ICD FlexFit uses tangents or straight-line surfaces where the eye is more angular as opposed to curves. The AS-OCT has taught us the peripheral cornea becomes tangent in shape from approximately 10mm to around 20mm. Generally, inside 10mm, the eye is curved and outside 20mm, the eye is curved. However, in the middle the eye generally straight lined or tangent in shape. For this reason, the ICD uses multiple tangents in its construction which creates an incredibly comfortable and forgiving fit.
Do I need multiple fitting sets to fit a normal prolate cornea with ocular surface disease versus an oblate post refractive surgery patient?
The standard 14 lens ICD FlexFit fitting set has a wide range of sagittal depths and two diameters. This should provide you with a diagnostic lens for >97% of patients regardless of whether they are a bulging, prolate eye or an extreme oblate, post surgical shape. The use of tangents means the ICD FlexFit is very forgiving in fit. But the design is robust in terms of modifications that can be made to each of the four principle zones to fine tune the fit even in the most extreme of eye shapes and conditions.